Mohamed Adel

565 Articles

Eni to raise Noras field production to 1bn feet of gas a day in 2017

Increase comes alongside efforts to offset natural rate of decline, says source

Mohamed Adel

Gas re-pumped to MOPCO, AlexFert after maintenance

Provision of 3.7bn cubic feet daily to electricity plants, 400m cubic feet…

Mohamed Adel

EGPC diesel reserves cover needs of domestic market for 5 days

Aramco supplies Egypt with 12 diesel shipments a month

Mohamed Adel

Eni invests $4bn in Zohr gas production processing plant

Italian oil company Eni invested $3.5-4bn in implementing the Zohr natural gas…

Mohamed Adel

Power plant daily consumption increases by 350m cubic feet of gas: EGAS

The generating units' solar consumption increased to 6,000 tonnes

Mohamed Adel

Gas pumping to MOPCO, El Masreya 1, Alexandria Fertilisers halted for maintenance

Consumption-intensive factories, for steel and fertilisers, need nearly 1bn cubic feet of…

Mohamed Adel

Repayment period for gas shipments, petroleum products increased to 3 months from arrival: El-Molla

All concluded products with foreign companies were modified in order to provide…

Mohamed Adel

Investments by foreign companies reach $8.5bn during current FY: Minister of Petroleum

$3.8bn investments of BP in Atul field for producing 300m cubic feet…

Mohamed Adel

Petroleum Ministry to rerun ADCO and Damietta liquefaction factories by 2020/2021: minister

The ministry agreed with Shell to adjust the 9B gas prices and…

Mohamed Adel

NI Capital evaluates 5 oil companies to offer 20% of their shares on the EGX

The list includes Sidpec, AMOC, and MOPCO, while Petrojet may follow in…

Mahmoud Hashem