Mohamed Farag

1087 Articles

Government to decide on electricity price increase by end of June

Shaker is scheduled to hold a press conference to announce the increase…

Mohamed Farag

Electricity Ministry to keep prices up in July, parliament demand postponement

Decision reaches all segments with 10-20%, up to 40% for high consumers

Mohamed Farag

EMG aims to inaugurate $300m cement plant

Company obtained prospectus documents, finalizes studies

Mohamed Farag

Dabaa nuclear plant contracts on Al-Sisi’s desk next week

Government agreed with Russia on depleted fuel stores, technical support contracts

Mohamed Farag

Central Egypt Electricity’s allocations amount to EGP 600m for FY 2017/2018

The company considers a request to construct a 12 MW solar power…

Mohamed Farag

Al-Reef Al-Masry signs 4 agreements in 1.5 million feddan project

CBE approves granting 8-year loans at 5% interest rate

Mohamed Farag

4 Companies offer providing services for solar energy projects in Aswan

List includes G4S, Motahida, Gridtech, and Alamiya

Mohamed Farag

EBSC asks cabinet to exempt their equipment from taxes and customs

Shareholders paid EGP 300m for issued capital, says Soltan

Mohamed Farag

 Tractebel studying 3 alliance offers to establish coal plant in Hamrawein next month

GE, Mitsubishi-Harbin, Shanghai Electric are competing on a project with investments worth…

Mohamed Farag

Siemens adds 800 MW from Borollos power plant in June

Siemens is set to add 800 MW to the national grid from…

Mohamed Farag