Mohamed Farag

1087 Articles

Tenders for the Egypt-Saudi Arabia electricity interconnection projects on 16, 19 April

Strained relations between Cairo and Riyadh were amongst the reasons for the…

Mohamed Farag

Electricity companies negotiate with banks to borrow $400m

List of banks includes Banque Misr, NBE, AAIB, CIB, and QNB

Mohamed Farag

Egypt to receive diesel shipment from Aramco

Egypt is set to receive a diesel shipment as part of its…

Mohamed Farag

EGBank lends UEEPC EGP 2bn to finance maintenance

The first portion, worth $50m, was provided this week, says El Shahat

Mohamed Farag

Investors seek to acquire solar energy projects in feed-in tariff

Prices range between $2m and $5m per company, decided based on the…

Mohamed Farag

Egyptians consumed electricity worth EGP 5.5bn in the last month

Government agencies dues amount to EGP 1.7bn, household sector most committed to…

Mohamed Farag

How will Egypt benefit from the energy surplus?

Estimated 15,000MW reserve of electrical capacities by May 2018

Mohamed Farag

Egypt to receive two gasoline shipments from Aramco by end of week

Regular timetable for shipments will be in place starting from April, states…

Mohamed Farag

EETC postpones tenders for transformer substations

Company to wait for first tranche of NBE loan before posing the…

Mohamed Farag

TBEA, Orascom win tender for Walideya power plant

Contracts estimated at EGP 94.86m for TBEA, EGP 1.25m for Orascom

Mohamed Farag