Mohammed Nosseir

Mohammed Nosseir is an Egyptian Liberal Politician working on reforming Egypt on true liberal values, proper application of democracy and free market economy. Mohammed was member of the Higher Committee, and headed the International Relations of the Democratic Front Party from 2008 to 2012
33 Articles

Egypt’s battle isn’t about knowledge, it’s about broad-mindedness

  Frequent cabinet reshuffles have aimed at prompting Egyptians to hope that…

Mohammed Nosseir

Protest may be unpleasant, but repression is ugly

  In Egypt, protest and repression spark off from one another. The…

Mohammed Nosseir

Foreigners, but friends of Egypt

I used to think that immigration was about migrants moving from a…

Mohammed Nosseir

How Egypt is ruled and ruined by opportunists

Egypt is ruled by the maxim: “You must have a stake to…

Mohammed Nosseir

Al-Sisi’s fans—being loud is not necessarily being right

Being loud does not mean being right, but since Egyptians value loudness…

Mohammed Nosseir

Why Egyptians are more tense today than under Mubarak’s rule

After revolting twice against their rulers in less than five years, Egyptians…

Mohammed Nosseir

Al-Sisi’s defective political reality

“Al-Sisi is a must” was the argument made by his presidential campaign…

Mohammed Nosseir

Why Egypt’s ‘Big Brother’ came back, more repressive

“If you don’t have a brother, try to find one” is an…

Mohammed Nosseir

Why the 25 January Revolution was the most authentic political event in Egyptian history

  Personally, I expected it to be a demonstration of only a…

Mohammed Nosseir

Why Egyptians repeatedly end up with mediocre governments

If you are a scientifically renowned Egyptian citizen harbouring great ambitions for…

Mohammed Nosseir