Peter A. Carrigan


A KHAWAGA'S TALE: An evening with the Dancing Queens

Love can ask many things of a man and what I did…

Peter A. Carrigan

Happy hour at the Canadian Hope Centre

The Canadian embassy's Thursday night drinks are legendary, so when I saw…

Peter A. Carrigan

A KHAWAGA'S TALE: Searching for the lost battalion

Wanted: Historical sources - photos, letters, journals or memories of the 70,000…

Peter A. Carrigan

A KHAWAGA'S TALE: If kids run the world

Over the weekend I've made a few observations, the first being that…

Peter A. Carrigan

KHAWAGA'S TALE: Tales of King Tut's crypt

London is preparing to host the National Geographic Tutankhamun Exhibition in November,…

Peter A. Carrigan

An audience with Egypt's royalty

This is the first anniversary of Khawaga's Tale. I have only missed…

Peter A. Carrigan

KHAWAGA'S TALE: Credit Card Scams

When using your credit card in Cairo, beware the extra charges that…

Peter A. Carrigan

British Ambassador leaves BEBA, touts bilateral relations

CAIRO: Iftar was the meal and Nile Hilton the venue, for both…

Peter A. Carrigan


Under a full moon on Thursday night, I let the sand run…

Peter A. Carrigan

Tripping on the tram

I've been in Cairo so long I had almost forgotten one of…

Peter A. Carrigan