Rana Muhammad Taha

1009 Articles

Minya death sentences ‘unconstitutional and illegal’: Defence lawyer

Court procedures questioned as 529 referred to Grand Mufti for opinion on…

Joel Gulhane

Administrative security uses police dogs to disperse students at Zagazig University

Two IEDs reportedly found and defused on Cairo University campus before scheduled…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Supreme Administrative Court upholds Nile University’s claim over contested land

Nile University welcomes the verdict while Zewail City says the verdict “adds…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Cairo University expels 23 students over Wednesday violence

University chairman makes use of amended article in law governing universities

Rana Muhammad Taha

Leading Misr Al-Qawia figure claims brother was tortured in detention

Detainee was arrested from an advertising agency he owns, has yet to…

Rana Muhammad Taha

FJP Journalist imprisoned for rallying

Journalist sentenced to hard labour alongside nine others, Press Syndicate calls on…

Rana Muhammad Taha

One policeman sentenced to 10 years in Abu Zaabal Vehicle case

Victims’ lawyers barred from appealing the verdict; survivor describes trial as “masquerade”

Rana Muhammad Taha

NCHR releases full report on Rabaa sit-in dispersal

Some council members disagree with report issuance

Rana Muhammad Taha

Khaled Ali announces he will not run for president

Fair presidential race, Ali says, would necessitate cancellation of 2013 Protest Law…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Lawyers wary of Abou Zaabal vehicle verdict

Four policemen are accused of manslaughter regarding the death of 37 detainees;…

Rana Muhammad Taha