Rania Al Malky

143 Articles

Editorial: Taking on human rights

The National Council for Human Rights has finally come out of its…

Rania Al Malky

Editorial: We need a hero

CAIRO: Back in mid-April when it was first reported that Egyptian fishermen…

Rania Al Malky

Taher Helmy heads Egypt side of US-Egypt Business Council

CAIRO: In his first statement since Trade Minister Rachid Mohamed Rachid announced…

Rania Al Malky

Editorial: The tragedy of four Egyptian women

CAIRO: Is Egyptian society inherently sexist? Are feminist accusations that Arab/Muslim cultures…

Rania Al Malky

Editorial: All hail the Glorious Revolution

CAIRO: In his July 26, 1952 speech calling on Egypt's last monarch…

Rania Al Malky

Editorial: Marwa's tragic death

CAIRO: Three-year-old Moustafa watched as his mother was stabbed to death and…

Rania Al Malky

Editorial: The slums of Cairo

CAIRO: A coupe of days ago, Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif announced a…

Rania Al Malky

Editorial: You've got the freedom, but where's the responsibility?

CAIRO: As I watched Fox News's online video promotions preceding coverage of…

Rania Al Malky

Commentary: Towards media self-regulation

The need to develop a voluntary code of conduct for the press…

Rania Al Malky

Editorial: The rumor virus

CAIRO: It's official: the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the outbreak…

Rania Al Malky