Richard Banks

Richard M Banks is Consulting Editor forEuromoney Conferences and CEO of RMBanks& Co, a global investment communications consultancy.
6 Articles

Egypt needs more private capital – and that’s everyone’s responsibility

As developed market interest rates stall or fall and the inflation-adjusted returns…

Richard Banks

Egypt faces an enviable economic opportunity but needs to up its game

Saudi particularly is restructuring and rebalancing to create a more sustainable combination…

Richard Banks

Agility (part 2)

In the previous article, we looked how important it is for Egypt…

Richard Banks

Resilience of Egyptian economy in face of global crises, internal shocks (Part 1)

The 2018 Euromoney Egypt Conference is subtitled “Resilience and Agility”. In advance…

Richard Banks

What is Egypt’s vision of 2030?

Over the 22 years I have been involved in the annual Euromoney…

Richard Banks

A vital autumn for Cairo’s policy-makers

  Egypt has recently been the subject of a number of deeply…

Richard Banks