Sara Aggour

904 Articles

Mixed reviews over Apple’s new software

Egyptian users have their say on whether or not they like Apple’s…

Sara Aggour

EGX 30 rises for the 8th consecutive day

Investors seek the Egyptian bourse, leading liquidity to head to the stock…

Sara Aggour

Private sector minimum wage negotiations to start next week

Economic struggle of businessmen to be taken into consideration when setting the…

Sara Aggour

Egyptian market rises stably

The stock market registered its highest gain in seven months

Sara Aggour

Market registers highest gains in six weeks

Trading closes at 5,586.65, investor “selling appetite” said to be down

Sara Aggour

Minimum income deemed “unjust”

Arguments arise over whether or not the new minimum income announced for…

Sara Aggour

President of the AmCham: Political tension between the U.S. and Egypt will not reflect on trade

The Daily News Egypt sat down with Anis Aclimandos, the president of…

Sara Aggour

Arab Moltaqa Investments company cash flow increases

The company, under its ownership of 50.76% of the Arab Engineering Industries…

Sara Aggour

Ooredoo’s deal with Walt Disney made official

Disney entertainment will be directed to Ooredoo’s customers as the company makes…

Sara Aggour

OCI NV seeks new financing

The international company launches a €150m equity offering and a €300m convertible…

Sara Aggour