Theodore May

220 Articles

Sliding gold prices shake investor confidence

CAIRO: Gold prices continued their precipitous slide over the past week, as…

Theodore May

Nazif's closing remarks echo peppy tone of Euromoney

CAIRO: The capstone of the Euromoney Conference came yesterday afternoon as Prime…

Theodore May

Special Euromoney Coverage: Capital markets counting on government support

CAIRO: As value has bled from the stock market, capital markets experts…

Theodore May

Special Euromoney Coverage: Are Egypt's public banks ripe for consolidations?

CAIRO: With two days of optimistic lectures that seemed defiant in the…

Theodore May

Special Euromoney Coverage: prepares to weather global economic meltdown

CAIRO: On the morning of Monday Sept. 15, the board of directors…

Theodore May

Special Euromoney Coverage: Empowering Egyptian consumers key to sustaining growth

CAIRO: Perhaps in an effort to recognize that the consumer is, in…

Theodore May

Future of FDI lies in playing up non-traditional sectors

CAIRO: Over the last several years, a cadre of Cabinet ministers, a…

Theodore May

Special Euromoney Coverage: Reform is not a popularity contest, says Youssef Boutros Ghali

CAIRO: Fresh off the plane from Washington, where he had gone to…

Theodore May

Marketing tactics of Obama's presidential campaign

CAIRO: Change we can believe in? It's the slogan that might just…

Theodore May

Mauro Guillen, 10,000 women, and the global economy

CAIRO: In his first trip to Egypt this week, Mauro Guillen was…

Theodore May