Oh, for logic's sake .

CAIRO: Everybody knows that when you cut your hair, it grows faster. Everybody knows this because that s what the hairdressers say, it s what your aunts say, and it…

Deena Douara

Homes over ancient tombs demolished in Luxor

LUXOR: A 50-year-old battle to evict squatters from one of Egypt s most renowned archaeological sites, the West Bank of Luxor, was finally settled Saturday when authorities began demolitions. The…


Take Olmert and Meshaal at their word

When the leaders of Israel and Hamas in the same weekend offer each other long-term peace deals, you just know in your bones that we are passing through a potentially…

Rami G. Khouri

Without international support, Lebanon may go under

UN Security Council Resolution 1701 was perceived as an opportunity for progress in the immediate and mid-term future. It opened the way for the Seniora government to demonstrate its capacity…

Daily News Egypt

An ambitious Spanish plan becomes a modest flop

Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's set of proposals to break the seemingly interminable impasse in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems doomed to failure - but not because there is…

Daily News Egypt

Khawaga's tale: Mena House Golf Club

CAIRO: The Assistant Professional at Mena House Golf Club, Mohamed Fahmy, has that sweet swing and casual debonair air that comes with a life time association with the royal and…

Peter A. Carrigan

Quota system a barrier to Egyptian exports, says business leader

Euro-Mediterranean free trade by 2010 may be unattainableCAIRO: European Union quotas placed on Egyptian agricultural exports are restrictive, do not reflect the country's economic potential and ignore growing seasons, says…

Jered Stuffco

South Sinai on High Security Alert

CAIRO: A security adviser has disputed the authenticity of a tip that four Palestinians were in South Sinai to set off a series of attacks targeting Israeli tourists.On Sunday, media…

Abdel-Rahman Hussein

Film directors lash out at Arab critics

It s the Arabs that force us to compromise, not the West, said one directorCairo: What was meant to be a kudos session for Arab actors of international acclaim, spiraled…

Joseph Fahim

CIFF daily highlights

Love For Share (Indonesia)Three women find themselves sharing their husbands with other women in this drama from Indonesia. As the Muslim religion grows in popularity in Jakarta, a growing number…

Daily Star Egypt Staff