Efad Holding launches subsidiary in Egypt

CEO: company looking to duplicate Kuwaiti business model locallyCAIRO: Kuwait s Efad Holding, a private company with 16 subsidiaries operating in the real estate, transportation and banking sectors in the…

Ahmed A. Namatalla

One American's wish for a more peaceful world

My wish for my country is that we would stop being hypocrites and demand that the Bush administration ends the increasing cycle of violence and suffering in Iraq. If an…

Daily News Egypt

Scribo Ergo Sum

What do you have to say?CAIRO: Over the last few years, blogging has become more and more popular. Blogs, previously referred to as 'web logs' and eventually shortened to the…

Daily News Egypt

Sports Talk: Paradigm of pride; icon gets a facelift

Renovation of Cairo Stadium on the blockCAIRO: Cairo Stadium, one of Egypt's grandest symbols of independence, will ironically soon fall into foreign hands. Like Marlon Brando before his death, the…

Alaa Abdel-Ghani

Bird flu to remain major threat for next decade: UN

CAIRO: Avian influenza is likely to remain a significant global threat for animals and humans for the next decade, top UN coordinator David Nabarro said Thursday. The virus is likely…


Fashion Focus: It's in the jeans for fashion-seekers or young punks alike

Denim has broken both class and national boundariesWhat would we do without jeans?That infinitely comfortable pair of pants that matches everything in our wardrobes is gradually becoming more and more…

Farah El Alfy

Start fighting off colds and flu before they appear

Some precautions to stave off a winter of miseryALEXANDRIA: Half the office is absent. The other half is walking around with a red nose and a tissue in hand. It's…

Daily News Egypt

Sci-tech: A vote for WiMax is a vote for your future

What WiMax is, what it stands for, and what it can do for your countryA seasoned taxi driver in Cairo can light his cigarette, change tapes on his cassette player,…

Wael Elazab

Perched above Mohandiseen, a splendid evening in Kandahar

The restaurant s Asian offerings are expensive, but justifiably so most of the timeCAIRO: Eating out in Cairo can be predictable, and sometimes downright boring. Many popular restaurants mimic each…

A feast fit for a King comes to Cairo

Ever wondered what the Queen of England eats for breakfast? What the King of Morocco serves at state dinners or whether Canada's Prime Minister prefers tea or coffee? The select…

Daily News Egypt