Interbank rate falls to 8.05 percent
CAIRO: The median overnight interbank rate on the pound slipped to 8.05 percent on Thursday from Wednesday s 8.099 percent because the central bank accepted fewer funds than expected in…
Haim Saban in group mulling Univision bid
NEW YORK: Haim Saban, the billionaire media and entertainment investor, is part of a private equity group considering a bid for Spanish-language broadcaster Univision, sources familiar with the matter said…
Sixth Egyptian dies of bird flu
CAIRO: A 75-year-old woman died of bird flu in Egypt on Thursday, the sixth death caused by the disease, a World Health Organization (WHO) official said. John Jabbour said the…
Watching houses of worship crumble
CAIRO: As sectarian tension has grown in Egypt over the past few years, Copts have become more vocal about their concerns with the decades-long difficulties facing the building and restoration…
Saving 1,500-year-old manuscripts
CAIRO: In Wadi Al Natroun lies the Coptic monastery Deir El Surian, whose library houses an estimated 2,000 of the earliest Christian manuscripts and fragments dating back as far as…
Cairo hopes new yellow cabs can provide a cleaner, gentler ride
CAIRO: Riding a Cairo taxi is like being trapped in a pinball machine. These rickety, un-air conditioned crates, their seats caked with grime, careen around corners and charge through red…
Activists protest violence against Egyptian journalists
CAIRO: More than 200 activists staged a loud demonstration in front of the press syndicate Tuesday evening, vehemently criticizing the use of force against journalists covering last week's protests."Down .…
Opposition call for an all-night protest in support of judges
CAIRO: Activists are expected to take to the streets in protest today, despite an official statement by the government warning of the consequences. In an effort to avoid more violent…
Analysts view Gamal Mubarak as on a mission to reduce tension
CAIRO: A visit to the White House by the politician son of President Hosni Mubarak indicates that the Egyptian government and the Bush administration both want to reduce tension over…
Interbank rate falls to 8.10 percent
CAIRO: The median overnight interbank rate on the pound fell to 8.10 percent on Wednesday from Tuesday s 8.154 percent, with the market experiencing short-term liquidity, bankers said. Four of…