African champions Ahly confront giantkillers Renacimiento

Head: African champions Ahly confront giantkillers RenacimientoJOHANNESBURG: Egyptian giants Al-Ahly lead a powerful line-up into the third and final qualifying round for the African Champions League this weekend. Defending champions…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Keeping tourists satisfied

CAIRO: Setting effective measures to reduce road accidents, activating regulations to protect the national asset of ecotourism, establishing training centers and programs and creating nationwide awareness campaigns are only a…

Sarah El Sirgany

Activists blame government for failing to abate sectarian tension

CAIRO: After three days of sectarian tension following a series of attacks on Coptic Christian church-goers in Alexandria, activists blamed the government for failing to subdue rising interdenominational friction. "There…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Analyzing the fallout of the cartoon crisis

CAIRO: After over three months of protesting the publishing of Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in a manner deemed offensive, Danish and Muslim youth are trying to reach an…

Pakinam Amer

Brotherhood launches campaign to end state of emergency

CAIRO: The opposition Muslim Brotherhood launched a campaign Wednesday to end the state of emergency, which President Hosni Mubarak has renewed for 25 years and is expected to extend next…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Egypt, Arab League condemn Tel Aviv suicide attack

CAIRO: Egypt and the Arab League condemned Tuesday the Palestinian suicide attack in Tel Aviv that killed nine people and called on both sides to return to the negotiation table.Foreign…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Pro-reform judges stage protest

CAIRO: Pro-reform judges staged a protest Wednesday in support of two colleagues who face disciplinary action after accusing the judiciary of helping to rig parliamentary polls. The two judges have…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Egypt says it has foiled bombing attempts

CAIRO: The government said on Wednesday it had arrested a group of 22 militant Islamists planning bomb attacks on tourist targets, a gas pipeline near Cairo and Muslim and Christian…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Police release 120 Brotherhood activists

Head: Police release 120 Brotherhood activistsCAIRO: Police on Wednesday freed 120 students arrested for belonging to the Islamist opposition Muslim Brotherhood organization and referred 30 others to the prosecutor, a…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Legislators debate draft consumer protection law

CAIRO: The People s Assembly gave its in-principle approval earlier this week for a draft consumer protection law. The approval is the first step toward passing the law and legislators…

Waleed Khalil Rasromani