Bird flu "expected to continue for some time"

CAIRO: Minister of Agriculture Amin Abaza said in February that he expected the country to be rid of avian influenza by the time the bird migration season ended in late…

Waleed Khalil Rasromani

Will U.S. fiscal frivolity break the world's piggybank?

Here's a big idea for the next U.S. Treasury secretary: Reform the International Monetary Fund so that it can help the world balance its checkbook, reducing America's deficits and Asia's…

David Ignatius

It's Israel's system that makes peace so difficult

Before remarking on the meaning of Israel's March 28 elections for Israeli-Palestinian relations, it behooves us to recall why Israel has such frequent elections, yet can't install a government capable…

Daily News Egypt

Contrived outrage over Mubarak's "civil war" comment

Amazingly, the Egyptian President has managed the impossible, and it only took a matter of minutes. Eat your heart out Condi and Jack! Hosni Mubarak has actually succeeded in uniting…

Daily News Egypt

Showcasing Ashoura

CAIRO: "It's a true definition of humanity; the bringing of morbidity to a new level, a façade to our inner souls. Minou is a very talented woman on a wavelength…

Farah El Alfy

Mubarak's comments make headlines around the region

CAIRO: President Hosni Mubarak's comments regarding Shiite Muslims in Iraq sparked region-wide criticism, and independent newspapers around the region have been following up on the issue. A high-profile Shiite Saudi…

Pakinam Amer

Human rights organization holds talks with government

CAIRO: The American Human Rights Watch Organization, which is currently in Egypt holding its quarterly meeting, met with members of the Egyptian government on April 8. They discussed human rights…

Najla Moussa

Latest attempt to license Al-Wassat fails

CAIRO: The latest attempt by moderate Islamist group Al-Wassat to obtain an official license for their party has fallen short. This is the fourth failed attempt by the group in…

Vivian Salama

Jailed politician stopped from writing-wife

CAIRO: Egyptian authorities have stopped jailed opposition leader Ayman Nour sending articles to his party s newspaper, Nour s wife Gameela Ismail said on Sunday. Nour, who came a distant…

Daily Star Egypt Staff

Egyptian FM denounces Israeli escalation against Palestinian cities

CAIRO: Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul-Gheit on Sunday condemned recent Israeli raids against Palestinians and suggested they instead should focus on returning to peace negotiations.Abul-Gheit said the Israeli air-strikes in the…

Daily Star Egypt Staff