
Latest Science and Technology news, comment and analysis from the Daily News Egypt, the leading source of news in Egypt.

Latest Science News

Young bullying victims likelier to fantasise about committing violent acts: Study

About 25% of all 17-year-old boys and 13% of girls reported having…

Daily News Egypt

Benefits of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine outweigh risks

Pausing AstraZeneca vaccinations due to suspected deadly blood clot links could allow…

Daily News Egypt

Cloth face masks affect exercise performance, physical capacity

A cloth face covering affect exercise performance and physical capacity, the results…

Daily News Egypt

Heart attacks in young adults more deadly among systemic inflammatory disease sufferers: Study

At least 2% of people worldwide have systemic inflammatory diseases, which often…

Daily News Egypt

Widespread facemask use is vital to counter COVID-19 as lockdown ends: Scientists

Control measures involving facemasks, handwashing, short-scale (1-2 metre) social distancing can all…

Daily News Egypt

New meat-eating predator discovered named ‘one who causes fear’

Living in Late Cretaceous, Llukalkan aliocranianus could reach as long as elephant,…

Daily News Egypt

GLOBALink | Rice seeds from space transplanted in south China

These rice seeds traveled around 760,000 Km to the moon in November…


GLOBALink | Exploring China’s biodiversity hotspot

Exploring China's biodiversity hotspot: If you're told that a "Skywalker" has been…


Subsidies are most effective way to encourage sustainable food choices: Study

Experiments were designed to resemble typical UK lunchtime canteen

Daily News Egypt

Minimally invasive treatment provides fast pain relief for cancer patients

Patients with debilitating bone tumours experienced improved quality of life in as…

Daily News Egypt