Latest Science News
Termites: efficient miniature fighters during droughts in rainforests
This study is yet another proof that we need to conserve biodiversity
North African date palms have Middle Eastern origin
Oldest archaeological evidence for Phoenix dactylifera found in UAE, Kuwait
Study reveals first direct evidence of Basilosaurus isis’ diet
15-metre-long ancient whale, discovered in Wadi Al-Hitan, was top marine predator
Eye in sky enables scientists to gauge global poverty
Researchers from Arhus University monitored implementing UN SDGs through satellite images
Study suggests generating solar energy from snow-covered mountains
Electricity must be produced when it is needed, as it is difficult…
Mansourasouras tops Egypt’s scientific phenomenon in 2018
Egypt first Arab, African country to host COP14 on CBD
UN committed to create space for conflict resolution in 2019
Climate change moving faster than we are, says UN secretary-general
Science taking pictures of cats for very important reason
For AI to work well, it needs to be trained first on…
Asexual reproduction in rice, turns agricultural dream into reality
Number of researchers, institutions, particularly in Europe, boycott GMOs
Egypt hosts PERSGA’s workshop addressing ecosystem management in Red Sea
SEM Project’s achievements exceed expectations of such projects: EEAA chairperson