
Latest Science and Technology news, comment and analysis from the Daily News Egypt, the leading source of news in Egypt.

Latest Science News

Ibuprofen might treat Alzheimer’s: study

A recent study published by the University of British Columbia revealed that…

Daily News Egypt

Drinking 4 to 8 cups of coffee daily affects human brain like cannabis 

Coffee changes many more metabolites in blood than previously known

Mohammed El-Said

How to lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease

New York, NY—In 1901, when Dr Alois Alzheimer started talking to his…

Cesar Chelala

How to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C

2017 warmest year without El Niño, which can boost global annual temperatures

Mohammed El-Said

Denisovan humans contributed to East Asian ancestry, interbred with modern humans

A new paper reveals that modern humans co-existed and interbred with archaic…

Mohammed El-Said

Scientists reveal new method to remove heavy metals from water

About 1bn people do not have access to clean drinking water, WHO…

Mohammed El-Said

Scientists alarmed at 20% loss in fish productivity

Egypt establishes largest aquaculture in MENA, 2nd phase to cover 9,000 feddans

Daily News Egypt

Urban green spaces help control floods, store carbon

Researcher took soil samples from 100 sites around city of Madison

Daily News Egypt

Modifying crop genetics to resist drought, conserve water

Agriculture monopolises 90% of global freshwater, availability of clean water resources shrinking

Mohammed El-Said

New study reveals how magma formed global treasures

The natural treasures of a number of precious metals, stones, and minerals…

Daily News Egypt