Latest Economy News
Population to hit 84.7 million for World Population Day: CAPMAS
The rate of births per 1,000 citizens was reported at 25.7 in…
UAE, Saudi Arabia pledge an aid package of $8bn to Egypt
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia approved a $5bn in aid to Egypt, according to…
Republican Guard headquarters violence prompts market slide
The EGX 70, an index of small and medium-sized companies,declined by a…
The fate of Islamic bonds remains vague after the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood
Abdullah Al-Adali, chairman of the taxes division at Price Waterhouse Coopers, stated…
Central Bank head in Abu Dhabi in search of financial aid
The visit follows a statement detailing a drop in the country’s capital…
New investments in the first half of year total EGP 9bn
2204 new investment projects have been founded during the first half of…
Central Bank announces ‘Support Egypt’ account
The fund’s account number, 306306, refers to 30 June,when massive protests led…
National Bank of Egypt provides $65m to fund the import of gasoline and diesel fuel
The bank’s board of directors recently granted the EGPC $1bn in letters…
Expert’s expectations from the new government
The Daily News Egypt spoke to Egyptian economy experts to gain their…
Foreign reserves shrink in June
Debt payment, fuel shortages, and stockpiling of food before Ramadan contribute to…