Latest Economy News
Banking and Insurance Special: Takaful and the insurance industry
Will takaful become the dark horse of Egypt’s insurance industry in the…
Banking and Insurance Special:Flurry of conventional banks enter Islamic banking sector
In a bid to increase profits, furious competition ensues in the Islamic…
Unemployment hits 13%
Labour force survey for Q4 2012 reveals growing rate of unemployment
New Lafarge project for affordable housing
Lafarge announces a new project for low-income housing as the public sector…
Finance Minister: New initiative launched to establish tax debt relief committees
Over 30 banks and 1,850 branches are covered under a new electronics…
Plans to use smart cards to distribute butane cylinders
The programme will be piloted Minya next month, with plans to spread…
President of Egypt’s technology chamber: EGP 80m owed to tech companies
Ten cases have been successfully solved, with four companies still with unresolved…
Zaazou announces strategy to boost tourism
Tourism ministry to undertake joint advertising campaigns with foreign countries and will…
Diesel supply restricted
Ministry of Petroleum tries to solve diesel shortage in Egypt