Latest Energy News
EETC defers receiving bids for power interconnection project with Saudi Arabia
A total of seven companies had been invited by the EETC to…
Egypt-Sudan electricity interconnection officially operates at 70MW capacity
Egypt is to operate project at full capacity within 10 months: government…
COVID-19 not affecting Dabaa station implementation timetable: NPPA Head
In exclusive statements to Daily News Egypt, El-Wakeel said that work on…
Rosatom operates normally despite Covid-19
Rosatom is also providing all necessary protective supplies and constantly sterilises affiliated…
Coronavirus, price war push oil producers to cut 2020 spending plans
Energean cuts its budget in Egypt by $140m
EETC builds new transformer stations to supply North Coast projects, Libya with electricity
The 40km long Abu Al-Matamir - West Borg El-Arab recreational aerial line,…
Rationalisation of water consumption is a must in light of coronavirus pandemic: Metito
Regular hand washing with soap and water is an effective precaution and,…
EgyptERA updates procedures for new electricity connections to non-industrial properties
Applicants should fill new connection form and submit it to the eligible…
Shuaa continues reading electricity meters while taking precautions for workers
Mohamed Saad, the company president, told Daily News Egypt that Shuaa will…
Benban Solar Complex workers undergo coronavirus testing
The sources pointed out that those representatives have limited their visits to…