30 companies to start implementation of solar energy projects in Benban
Thirty companies from Aswan started implementing solar energy projects with the feed-in…
Breakthrough in wind feed-in tariff projects
Cabinet agrees in principle to implementation of stations on BOO scheme
Daily gas production up by 1.5bn scf/day: Petroleum Ministry
The Ministry of Petroleum announced that the total daily added production of…
Government reduces fuel subsides by 16-66%, raises gasoline 92 to EGP 6.75
The Egyptian authorities decided to go ahead with hikes to subsidised government-set…
EGP 6.2bn tender for constructing nine transformer stations to be offered: electricity minister
We will extend network by over 6,174 km through 2025, says Mohamed…
Contract for first solar panels production plant to be signed in two months: Al-Assar
Over 200 Egyptian companies applied to participate in Dabaa nuclear plant works,…
Electricity price hikes average 26%: Shaker
Electricity Ministry to add 25,000 MW capacity by end-2018
Benban transformer substations ready to transfer solar energy
XD-EGEMAC to complete delivery of last station in two weeks, says Ramadan
ThyssenKrupp offers to partner with Egyptian oil companies on 5 new projects
The German conglomerate ThyssenKrupp offered to participate with Egyptian oil companies in…
Egypt’s fuel exports rise in Q1 2018 to $1.2bn
Egypt's total fuel exports between January and March (Q1) 2018 increased to…