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Bahrain goes to polls in key test of reform

MANAMA: Bahrain goes to the polls on Saturday for a parliamentary election…

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Ahmadinejad tells Saudi king he wants united Lebanon

TEHRAN: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Saudi King Abdullah in a telephone…


Israel starts 600 new settler homes since freeze end

JERUSALEM: Israeli settlers have started building at least 600 homes since the…


Once-great Philippine comic industry fights for survival

Philippine comic books have nurtured talent for international TV and animation blockbusters,…


James Cameron is giving “Avatar” a fresh start

Cameron unveiled a new opening scene Tuesday for an extended cut of…


Change global economic model to save biodiversity

MANILA: The global economy must be radically altered to put a value…

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Apple looks to iPhone, iPad for Mac inspiration

CUPERTINO: Apple's iPhone and iPads have been such hits that the company…

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After 500 years Bolivian silver mountain risks collapse

POTOSI: The mountain holding one of the world's greatest silver deposits is…

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Astronomers say they’ve found oldest galaxy so far

WASHINGTON: Astronomers believe they've found the oldest thing they've ever seen in…

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US announces massive arms sale to Saudi Arabia

WASHINGTON: In its biggest arms deal ever, the United States announced Wednesday…

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