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Latest Business News

Canadian Muslims erect first minaret in Arctic

OTTAWA: Canadian Muslims have erected the Arctic's first minaret, atop a little…

Daily News Egypt

France slams Bin Laden, plays down hostage threat

PARIS: France denounced Thursday new threats of attacks from Islamist militant leader…

Daily News Egypt

US condemns attack on UN team probing Hariri death

WASHINGTON: The United States condemned "in the strongest possible terms" an attack…


Kuwait court upholds acquittal of alleged Qaeda cell

KUWAIT CITY: Kuwait's court of appeals on Thursday upheld the acquittal of…


US drawing up new, tougher nuclear deal for Iran, says report

NEW YORK: The United States and its European allies are preparing a…


Egypt’s corruption perception improves in global ranking, says TI

CAIRO: Egypt’s perception of public sector corruption has improved in a global…

Marwa Al-A’sar

Ittihad players to be fined despite win at Hodoud

CAIRO: Ittihad's players will be fined despite beating Harras Hodoud 2-0 in…

Bin Laden says Niger kidnapping warning to France

DUBAI: Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden warned France in a recording aired…


Women in Beirut clinic clash with UN Hariri probe team

BEIRUT: A group of women charged at investigators from a UN probe…


Doha film festival opens with controversial French film

With an action-thriller that aroused anger in France upon its release, Qatar…

Daily News Egypt