Latest Culture News
Bareq challenges monopoly on media production in Egypt
Aiming to defeat centralisation and the monopoly of large production companies over…
In rural Giza, local organisation treats children’s disabilities
Health workers build trust and fight ignorance through the Helm Tefl Center…
Celebrating new Hijri year the Sufi way
Dozens of Sufi followers organised a march from Al-Gafary Mosque to…
‘Happy Academic Year’: photography project portrays problems plaguing pupils
"We learn at school how to fill our minds with information that…
Cancer foundation instils hope in affected children
In honour of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a puppet show event has…
In Video: Celebrating new Hijri year the Sufi way Video by Asmaa Gamal
Revealer of the Secret: the similarities between ancient and modern Egyptian civilisations
Egyptians still follow the same old traditions of the pharaohs, without even…
In Video: The world celebrates The National Coffee Day
“Vignette”: a new experience into local and international movie worlds
After the outbreak of the 25 January Revolution and the unprecedented increase…
Ancient relics indicate an undiscovered temple of Ramses II
The giant rocks had hieroglyphic inscriptions about the king, referring to him…