Latest Culture News
Born 125 years ago: Celebrating the films of Fritz Lang
"Metropolis" was his most famous work. One of the most influential filmmakers…
Democracy for sale: German Bundestag offers souvenirs
From souvenirs such as shirts and hats to writing utensils and quizzes,…
Rise-Up Summit: First platform to connect stakeholders at entrepreneurs’ market
Youth of today stopped waiting for of good job opportunities and started…
French prime minister urges tourists to ‘come spend money in Paris’
France's premier Maniel Valls sent a call to tourists to come to…
German-Afghan photographer reveals feminine side of Kabul
German-Afghan photographer Lela Ahmadzai tells DW how she stays safe while working…
Word of the Week: Dominosteine
Eat one, eat them all! This is a German Christmas word you…
The art of French resistance
On murals and makeshift memorials, the French are responding to November’s deadly…
Opinion: No miracles, just signs as Pope Francis ends Africa visit
In Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic, everyday life resumes as…
Is Nefertiti hiding in the Valley of Kings’ secret chambers?
Hidden chambers adjoining King Tut's mausoleum promise exciting archaeological finds. What they…
Handmade aluminium cookware: Unprotected job to uphold heritage
Almost every item people use in their daily lives, from the…