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Mohammed Gomaa: Young director shines abroad
By Marwa Azzab Working as a film director abroad is a challenging…
Pianist Filippo Gorini triumphs at the Telekom Beethoven Competition
It was a sensational win for the 20-year-old Italian, who had never…
European Film Awards dominated by political themes
British actor Stephen Daldry and Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgard were among the…
Turning bridesmaid duties into a business
Nothing is too crazy in New York. That's what a young woman…
When Charlie Chaplin imitated Adolf Hitler
Premiering 75 years ago, it was the first major Hollywood production that…
German Word of the Year 2015 is ‘Flüchtlinge’ – refugees
The Society for the German Language has revealed the word encompassing this…
Born 100 years ago: Frank Sinatra’s ups and downs
The world celebrates Frank Sinatra on December 12. DW asked biographer Johannes…
Amsterdam unveils tips for wobbly tourists on their bikes
Navigating the busy, narrow streets of Amsterdam can be risky at times…
Is there another woman behind Mona Lisa?
For over five centuries, art lovers have been wondering what's hiding behind…
Piano Festival of the Ruhr (pt. 1 of 2)
Alexander Scriabin died a century ago but still seems very much a…