Latest Culture News
High security and emotion at Scorpions concert in Paris
The terrorist attacks in Paris changed the meaning of going to a…
Death in European films at 37th Cairo International Film Festival
The participating European films this year featured a variety of films by…
Iraqi author Najem Wali: ‘Arabic media outlets are controlled by petro-dollars’
The Iraqi writer and journalist discusses with DW about the responsibility of…
Youssef Chahine Film Festival celebrates independent low budget films
The festival aims to fight social taboos, such as those related to…
A new series of violations: Cats massacred at Al-Ahly Club
Members confirm cats were poisoned, administration denies
In Video: ‘Al Kourtas’ short documentary – winner of Yousef Chahine film festival
Christmas markets defy fear over terror attacks
The terror attacks in Paris and the heightened security in Germany have…
Boualem Sansal: You can’t fight ideas with canons
Is Europe too weak? Could it have stopped the jihadists a long…
Germany’s pick for Eurovision Song Contest 2016 causes controversy
Xavier Naidoo will compete for Germany at this year's ESC. At home,…
Number of cinemas decreased by 11%, theatres increased by 7% in 2014: CAPMAS
Egyptians’ passion for culture changed, as did their priorities