
Daily News Egypt dives into the art world! Culture, in all of its facets: All the latest news and reviews on culture, the arts and entertainment. Daily News Egypt covers all aspects of Egyptian culture including Ancient Egyptian, Islamic, Christian, and African, and Mediterranean heritages.

Latest Culture News

People on the margin of New Suez Canal’s opening

Dreaming of open horizons of water and playing with miniature boats might…

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Campaign looks to renovate 100 heritage buildings in old Cairo

The campaign mainly focuses on saving Islamic and Coptic buildings that have…

Nada Deyaa’ Nada Deyaa’

Cairo governorate rebuilds Asal State in Shoubra

"The governorate took upon itself the rebuilding of 400 houses plus creating…

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Black, yellow or blue: ‘We’re all German!’

What does it really mean to be black in Germany? A multimedia…

Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle

Happy 50th, J.K. Rowling!

Expelliarmus! Stupefy! Cruciatus!: These spells have enchanted millions around the world. From…

Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle

Why Taiwan’s single people are a national security threat

Lydia from Taipei and almost all of her friends are single. Sociologist…

Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle

China’s most famous artist abroad: Who is Ai Weiwei?

After four years without a passport, the dissident artist can now travel…

Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle

Art in the 80s: How the wild decade looks on canvas

The 1980s were a wild, unruly decade. The Städel Museum in Frankfurt…

Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle

‘Mission Impossible’ mimics Bond for risk-free action

The bad guys are back and that means Tom Cruise is, too.…

Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle