Latest Culture News
The girl who paints her diaries instead of writing them
In an exclusive interview with Daily News Egypt, Koraeim talked to us…
Kamel Karamak: A local initiative against food littering
“Kamel Karamak” (“Complete your good deed”), is a national initiative created by…
Ramadan’s treasures: Ramadan’s Lantern
Stories of the reason the lantern is strictly attached to Ramadan has…
How Ramadan turned into a month of overindulgence
Until now, more than 35 drama series’ have been announced for airtime…
Secrets and the Ladies’ Factory shed light on harassment
The main idea was to eliminate stereotypes by getting the stories out…
Platform: A magazine for refugees and foreigners in Egypt
A group of students sheds light on foreign refugees’ issues in Egypt
Goethe Institut takes Cairo to Frankfurt
"The participants' skills are very advanced and they will definitely be influential…
“Harasser = criminal” ad campaign airs on TV
The ads show several forms of sexual harassment, to mobilise people on…
The novel’s journey during Al-Sisi’s first year as president
Unlike the first days of the 25 January Revolution and the following…
Censorship: Egypt’s limited portal to the creative production world
The censors said that, while “Halawet Rouh” (Inner Beauty) had sexual content…