
Daily News Egypt dives into the art world! Culture, in all of its facets: All the latest news and reviews on culture, the arts and entertainment. Daily News Egypt covers all aspects of Egyptian culture including Ancient Egyptian, Islamic, Christian, and African, and Mediterranean heritages.

Latest Culture News

Iconic Cairo Tower remains closed

Following issues with the lease of the tower employees stage a protest…

Thoraia Abou Bakr

New winter season of Future Shorts at Vent

Future Shorts Egypt returns after a period of hiatus at newcomer and…

Daily News Egypt

Dayma’s everlasting effect

Dayma teaches students about the importance of nature’s genius and what they…

Daily News Egypt

Tahrir Academy: Empowering self-education through video on YouTube

Tahrir Academy is one such entity that has taken self-education and self-empowerment…

Daily News Egypt

Empowering artists via AlQomrah

New project aims to provide guidance to young artists and preserve heritage

Thoraia Abou Bakr

PEMC helps Egyptian museum recapture former glory

The PEMC hopes to help the museum raise funds in a more…

Daily News Egypt

Egyptian Valentine’s Day celebrations

Valentine’s Day meant different things for Egyptians in Egypt and abroad

Daily News Egypt

Egypt mummy found in well-preserved sarcophagus

Spanish archaeologists have discovered a 3,600-year-old Egyptian mummy inside a wooden sarcophagus…

Daily News Egypt

Tattoos on the historical memory

Mahmoud Hamed’s new collection extracts significance from historical etchings and patterns

Daily News Egypt

Mahatat’s Wonderbox revives art of public storytelling

Mahatat wants to bring art to public spaces and revive a tradition…

Daily News Egypt