Latest Culture News
Attack on Minya Theatre
Members of the Jesuits and Brothers Association recall the attack on their…
Curfew crashers
“To the streets” they bray, while proudly sharing their triumphant testimonies of…
Lockdown: Ultimate curfew viewing
While stuck at home here are some classic movies that deal with…
UNESCO concerned for Egypt
UNESCO's Irina Bokova issues a statement about the looting and destruction of…
Singer without a cause
Egyptian signer known for his protest songs during 25 January uprising struggles…
Egyptian writer takes on UNESCO
Mohamed Salmawy urges UNESCO to assist in safeguarding Egypt’s heritage is a…
Ministry of Antiquities compiles report for UNESCO and ICOM
After the looting of the Mallawi museum the ministry is taking steps…
Jaundiced timelines
Forced containment, Photoshop and a sense of humour produced a flurry of…
Masmou3: Noise as dissent
A new campaign calls on those against both the Mulsim Brotherhood and…