Latest Culture News
Preserving ancient heritage
Luxor inhabitants continue to care for the ancient monuments of their city
Students seek change through new foundation
Students aiming to manufacture the first Egyptian car, build a skyscraper and…
The quest for the ancient capital Metelis
Egypt and Italy cooperate to document the history of a forgotten site,…
Cairography dances through limits
The film places dancers randomly in the streets of Cairo who then…
I Exist reminds us of what we often forget
Rehab Eldalil hopes the photos she take will bring a smile on…
Silence of Tunes: painting women’s movements
Hend El Falafly’s Silence of Tunes is on display at Safar Khan…
Running for a better world at GUC
AYB aims at initiating sparks within the youth of the country to…
The art of ceramics at Darb 1718
The 15-day workshop will teach the participants the essential basics of ceramics…