Latest Culture News
Earthlings head to nearest bunker, or bar, at ‘world’s end’
AFP— Diehard doomsayers will be scurrying to the nearest shelter in fear…
Quirky pop-up film festival marks its autumn season
The festival will take place over two days this time, Friday and…
Christmas is coming, Cairo does not care
Most of Cairo does not seem to ascribe much importance to Christmas;…
Tune into Sound of Sakia
Sakia is branching out and is launching El Sakia TV within the…
Takeoff continues a series of imaginative exhibitions
The works require you to look past the purposefully organic but generic…
Landmark Sultan Hassan complex undergoing renovations
Among the renovations planned is a complete overhaul of the electric system,…
Egypt brings home awards from DIFF
Amr Waked won the Best Actor award in the Muhr Arab Feature…
Tattoos go mainstream in Cairo
Many clients share Tamer’s symbolic view of tattoos as indicative of freedom…
Kesey’s cuckoo classic is adapted for Arabic stage
The performance will be called Asfour Tall Men El Shebbak. gives a…