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Monkees star Davy Jones mourned in private funeral
By Matt Sedensky / AP Monkees singer Davy Jones was remembered in a…
The real lives behind new hit book on Mumbai slums
By Ben Sheppard / AFP In her Mumbai shack, Manju Waghekar wonders if…
At SXSW media zoo, convergence is annual buzz word
By Jake Coyle / AP Increasingly, the media zoo that is SXSW looks…
Cuba’s sculptor of the stars can’t quit tobacco
By Jean-Herve Deiller / AFP Fidel Castro, Winston Churchill, Jack Nicholson, Groucho Marx…
THE REEL ESTATE: The magic lantern, the silent wizard and me
By Joseph Fahim What was the very first movie you’ve ever seen? Mine…
Franco, Cornish among those with films at Tribeca
By Jake Coyle / AP This year's Tribeca Film Festival will feature many…
That’s seriously funny: Comics tackle tough issues
By Matt Moore / AP There are wedding bells in Riverdale, but it's…
Fluxus in Giza: Rana ElNemr and explorations of process
By Marie-Jeanne Berger “I see long streams, which are heavy, strong, dark and…
‘Lost’ novel by dead Nobel laureate published
By Gabriel Rubio / AFP A "lost" novel by Portuguese Nobel literature laureate…
Nigeria music icon making a comeback at 85
By Aderogba Obisesan / AFP An 85-year-old music legend in Nigeria, known for…