Bassem Youssef: ‘I don’t know where Egypt is going, but let’s have fun going there!’
The AUC Journalism Department hosted a debate between Nageh Ibrahim and comedian…
‘Our blood is one’: Egypt set for week-long protests
Revolutionary and political groups announce a series of marches and protests to…
Public Fund Prosecution after Al Zend: Update
The chairman of the Judges’ Club is accused of illegally procuring lands…
Bernardino León concludes visit to Egypt
Before his departure León reiterated the EU’s commitment to aiding the democratic…
Amnesty condemns organised sexual assault
The general pattern of sexual harassment indicates attacks could be organised, says…
Protests erupt in Qaliubiya governorate
Protesters surround governorate building, announce indefinite sit-in
Press Syndicate elect new board
Elections are held earlier due to problems within the syndicate
Hundreds of women say they will not be scared away by harassment
Anti-harassment march heads to Tahrir vowing to fight ‘fascism and extremism’
‘Mody’ and acquaintances released
Detainees arrested outside court while rallying in solidarity with other arrested friends
Safwat Al-Sherif released from custody
Criminal Court in Cairo drops charges against El-Sherif due to insufficient evidence