Latest Egypt News
Tahrir protester in critical condition
Barely months after his release from prison, Mohanad Samir has been shot…
Judges’ meeting ‘fails’
Supreme Council of the judiciary says it cannot remove prosecutor general from…
Two Saints church bombing memorial held in Alexandria
Various political and civil groups have joined a memorial in solidarity with…
Three men accused of attacking Al-Zind released on bail
Defendants deny attacking the head of the Judges’ Club, claim they were…
Prosecutors maintain pressure
Members of the general prosecution are holding a meeting on Wednesday to…
‘Islamists’ slit 15 Christians’ throats in Nigeria
Boko Haram has claimed to be fighting for the creation of an…
In Pictures: Cairo celebrates Christmas
Christmas celebrations around Cairo
New protest law proposed
Security forces have the right to end protests under proposed new law
Football league to resume in February
The football league is set to restart on 1 February, one year…
Parliament elections law remains debated
NSF promotes proportional lists in new parliament elections law