Latest Egypt News
Voters select final three papal candidates on Monday
The Church to announce final three candidates on Monday night
Tawfiq Okasha’s predictions and revelations
Okasha: Khairat El-Shater has been threatening to spill my blood
Shop owners not willing to close
Government plans to close shops at 10 pm is alternately derided, shrugged…
Mob gathers outside Dahab police station
Bedouins demand the release of a man under police protection
Anti-harassment activist “depressed”
172 harassers arrested amid intensive efforts to fight the phenomenon
Doctors form human chain in Mansoura
Doctor strike committee plans to keep up strike beyond Eid holiday
Five children shot in Sinai playground
Angry families fight with playground staff
Egypt hands over body of Israeli lost at sea
Body was transferred through the Karam Salem crossing
Al-Zawahiri urges institution of shari’a law
Al-Qaeda leader wants second Egyptian revolution and kidnapping of Westerners