Latest Egypt News
Student groups fight back
18 student movements and parties criticise the Egyptian Student Union’s attempt to…
Two Egyptians among five terrorist suspect to be extradited
Final appeal to European Court of Human Rights fails
Egyptian detainee in Saudi Arabia writes letter to Morsy
Al-Gizawy asks president to intervene on his behalf
Rights’ groups demand “virginity tests” case reopened
Claimants resort to African Commission after military courts deny tests occurred
Court sentences student murderers to 15 years
Victim's father performs a sit-in in protest at the court’s ruling
Egypt denies plans to strike Ethiopian dam
Allegations described as completely false
Government will not wait for an elected parliament to sign IMF loan agreement
Cabinet spokesperson: “President Morsy currently has legislative authority in the absence of…
Bible burner Abu Islam set for trial
Abu Youssef denies reports that investigations have begun into Bible burning
Grand Mufti speaks out about protests against film mocking Islam
Condmemns violence that followed protests, says such action beneath the example of…
Freedom of the press and media threatened
Constituent Assembly introduces clause allowing closure of newspapers