Latest Egypt News
Protest against sexual harassment encourages public dialogue
Small group walks through downtown to engage with the men they hope…
Protests against sexual harassment on the rise
Marchers hope to publicly demonstrate a strong response to the rising reports…
Suspects apprehended in Suez for ‘fiancé killing’
Three men have confessed to murdering the youth in Suez for being…
Prosecutor imposes travel-ban on Cleopatra Ceramics owner
Mohamed AbulEnein is under investigation over labour practices of two companies
Filmmaker sentenced for slandering Shafiq
Film director Ashraf Nabil gets suspended-six month prison sentence
Syrian opposition meeting wraps up in Cairo after brawl
The Syrian opposition meeting held over two days in Cairo wrapped up…
NGO trial postponed again
NGO raid seen by civil society as a government attempt to fight…
Turkish Foreign Minister visits Morsy
Turkish Foreign Minister visited President Morsy wrapping up a week of intense…
Pressure on president to pardon prisoners
Families of military trial victims hold press conference in front of presidential…
Egypt’s policemen face close shave
Police officers denied the right to grow beards while in service