MoI pardons 142 prisoners in celebration of National Police Day
Presidential pardon committee to meet Monday to discuss integration of released prisoners…
Op-ed review: Al-Sisi in Africa, presidential election
State media focused on President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi’s visit on Saturday to…
NEC continues reviewing NGO requests to monitor presidential election
Endorsements for potential candidates for upcoming election reached almost 1.35m, says NEC
Sherif Ismail returns to work after 2 months of absence
Prime minister scheduled to hold meetings with ministers of justice, transportation, and…
Op-ed review: Anan’s exclusion from presidential race, the Muslim Brotherhood
National Police Day eclipses revolution anniversary
Al-Sisi in Addis Ababa for 30th African Union Summit
President to participate in tripartite summit with Al-Bashir, Desalegn
Shoukry participates in preparatory meetings of 30th AU Summit
Summit themed “Winning the Fight against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa's Transformation”
Al-Sisi’s campaign presents his candidacy papers for presidential election
Karem selected as campaign general coordinator, Abu Shouka as spokesperson
Military summons presidential hopeful Sami Anan over charges of incitement
Al-Sisi undergoes medical examination for presidential application
Defendant convicted of killing military officer in 2013 executed
Last month, 19 defendants were executed in terrorism-related cases