Latest Egypt News
Army forces stop naval attack in North Sinai
In a different context, a senior militant in Ansr Bayt Al-Maqdis group…
Security forces retaliate against perpetrators of Badrashin attack
In Sinai, three militants were reported killed in clashes with the third…
Strict prison sentences issued to 6 in attempted murder of judge
A judge survived an assassination attempt back in 2015
Shoukry, Laborde discuss confronting terrorism
The meeting also discussed updates of the Qatari crisis
Shoukry asserts Egypt’s support for UN envoy initiative towards solution in Yemen
The UN envoy earlier proposed a plan to involve neutral parties to…
Government maintains wiping out Al-Warraq infringements: Al-Haras
Al-Warraq MP asserts meetings between residents and officials to take place
Parliament’s role in fighting corruption too weak: corruption observatory
PFT reports 56 corruption incidents in ministries in June
4 Soldiers killed in North Sinai: army spokesperson
Another three soldiers were injured in another attack
Hegazy dissusses US-Egypt bilateral relations with Garrett
Commanding General of the United States (US) Army Central Michael Garrett met…
Encroachment demolition in Al-Warraq ceased following clashes
The island witnessed clashes between security forces and residents, resulting in the…