Egypt to integrate environment into 2030 sustainable development strategy: Official
World Bank will provide $200m in finance for improving air quality in…
Environment Minister outlines strategy for protecting Egypt’s nature reserves
13 natural reserves have recently been developed through 10 infrastructure projects
Environment Ministry to launch second phase of ‘Eco Egypt’ campaign
Ministry conducts first strategic environmental assessment for southern Red Sea region
Egypt to launch its first palm waste recycling plant in New Valley
Factory to produce 60,000 cbm of MDF wood annually
World Bank awards Egypt $200m loan for air quality monitoring projects
Egypt’s Environment Minister Yasmine Fouad reviews environmental updates with Parliament’s Energy Committee
UK Prime Minister commits £3bn in climate finance for environment protection
UK - Egypt partnership at 2019 UN Climate Summit on adaptation, mitigation…
Australian bushfires to become “more frequent, prolonged, severe”: study
More than 30 people died in the Australian bushfires with another estimated…
2 Alexandria power production units join emission monitoring network
Network includes 77 institutions nationwide, of which 17 are located in Alexandria
CIB unique among Egyptian banks regarding environmental transparency
The Commercial International Bank (CIB) announced, on Wednesday, that it has furthered…
Egyptian public, private sectors join forces for cooking oil recycling
“You are the Beginning” initiative aims to enable women to manage their…