Latest Environment News
Egypt finalises 50% of first ecological marine survey in Gulf of Aqaba
Survey conducted in collaboration with EPASP, funded by UNEP
Environment Ministry plants 10,000 trees in 2 weeks
Ministry to consider integrating a human rights office
Cold weather in Cairo, Delta, Sinai
EMA warned of heavy morning smog in some regions, estimating the movement…
Environment Minister attracts tourists to visit Saint Catherine mountains
The ministry said in a separate statement that 2,500 trees were planted…
Environment Ministry finds 20 illegally possessed animals in Al-Ahram
Egypt is one of the transit countries for illegal wildlife trafficking
Ministry of Environment, WB address air pollution management in Cairo
The project supports the state’s plan for gradual transformation to electric transport
Videos showing blue whales in North Coast likely to be fabricated, Environment Ministry
Whale sounds at such a low frequencies that humans can barely hear
Embassies of Chile and Spain organise an event at the Cervantes Institute on the occasion of COP25 in Madrid, under the presidency of Chile
UN COP 25 is taking place in Madrid, Spain from 2 to…
Egypt’s Environment Minister stresses Africa’s rights to development, climate finance
"It is time for developed countries to fulfil their obligations towards Africa,"…
Egypt advances four ranks on CCPI 2019
Major environmental projects contributed to this achievement