
Daily News Egypt coverage of latest news, comments, and analysis of climate and environment-related issues.
Latest Environment News

Carbon capture: Expensive, risky – and indispensable?

New research suggests that unless we rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions we…

Deutsche Welle

Australian scientists develop ‘sun-shield’ that could protect Great Barrier Reef from rising temperatures

As water temperatures rise and ocean acidity levels increase, corals are dying…

Deutsche Welle

Miniature sleuths to sniff out transnational wildlife crooks

Bloodhounds and other sniffer dogs have been helping to track down villains…

Deutsche Welle

Cape Town water crisis: adapting to a water-scarce future

Cape Town might have dodged Day Zero, but a new hyper-consciousness of…

Deutsche Welle

Time running out to save the Earth’s plants and animals

Five new reports unveiled at a UN biodiversity summit in Colombia are…

Deutsche Welle

World’s last male northern white rhino dies in Kenya

The world's last male northern white rhinoceros, named Sudan, died in Kenya,…

Mohammed El-Said

A poetic jolt – poems about extinction of species

Animal poetry is political, says Mikael Vogel. In his poetry collection "Dodos…

Deutsche Welle

A change in UN human rights law could help you clean up the environment

Pressure is building for the United Nations to recognize a clean environment…

Deutsche Welle

Are electric vessels the wave of the future in shipping?

While diesel cars increasingly look to be on the way out, another…

Deutsche Welle

Global warming and the economy: Consequences and costs

Climate change will lead to changes in shorelines, nature of cultivated crops,…

Reem Hosam El-din