Latest Health News
When to visit a psychiatrist—Part two: when do you head to a psychiatrist’s office?
To clarify the meaning of the word "problem", this refers to when…
Beat acne, the right way
Acne usually starts at puberty and may continue into adulthood. Many acne-sufferers…
Dance, a good move for people with Parkinson’s disease
Marc Vlemmix was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2010, at the age…
Detox for spring
Get rid of mood swings, headache, cravings, stress, and depression
Your child’s first visit to the dentist
A paediatric dentist should know how to deal with the child according…
When to visit a psychiatrist—Part one: what is a psychiatrist?
Psychologists generally prefer to work in a team that includes a doctor,…
Work that bump: Why exercise matters during pregnancy
New US guidelines recommend regular moderate exercise on most days for pregnant…
Japanese researchers grow skin and hair using reprogrammed stem cells
Japanese researchers have bred skin tissue out of reprogrammed stem cells. The…
WHO confirms new Ebola case in Liberia
The deadly virus has once again emerged in Liberia, the country hardest…
What the Zika virus really looks like
Researchers have now discovered the structure of the Zika virus. This helps…