In Focus

Daily News Egypt explores stories beyond the headlines to the story for a deeper understanding of Egypt, MENA, and Africa’s newsIn Focus features, provocative argument from all political viewpoints.

Latest In Focus News

European cooperation integral to solving the refugee crisis

It is possible to find better solutions if all European countries dealt…

Emad El-Sayed

Bureaucracy biggest obstacle to refugees: AWO chairperson

There is a shortage of qualified volunteers, money, and translators to help…

Emad El-Sayed

The right exploits the fear of refugees for their own gains: MP in Germany’s Greens party

Integrating refugees will benefit Germany, especially in the case that they return…

Emad El-Sayed

Closing borders is inhumane and contradicts German values: SPD member

The head of Germany’s social democratic party (SPD) headquarters in Berlin, Dennis…

Emad El-Sayed

Ideal integration not fully possible, problems bound to exist: manager of AWO Refugee House in Berlin

Learning the language is key, because most of the problems refugees face…

Emad El-Sayed

I work to return the favour granted to me by Germany: Iranian refugee and translator

Refugees have high expectations of their new country, we let them do…

Emad El-Sayed

Learning from the past: Germany’s refugee policy is dignifying, positive

Fadia Fouda, a former Palestinian refugee, says Germany has vastly improved the…

Emad El-Sayed

Immigrant lives at mercy of German bureaucracy, knows very well he has no asylum rights

Ahmed submitted a humanitarian asylum request, does not own a passport

Emad El-Sayed

Egypt’s subsidy system: questionable corruption, unending problems

At the beginning of the 20th century, when the world was plagued…

Hisham Salah

Egyptians boycott 1 December embargo

The boycott campaign did not completely fail, and succeeded in many areas,…

Shaimaa Al-Aees