Latest Opinion News
This Little Father Obsession: searching for an identity
This Little Father Obsession was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival
Mimosas: a holy fool’s journey across Moroccan landscapes
Mimosas was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival
The Train of Salt and Sugar: an odyssey of bitter and sweet
The Train of Salt and Sugar was screened at the Cairo International…
Together For Ever: growing emotions
Together For Ever screened at the Cairo International Film Festival
Kills on Wheels: looking for a hero
Kills on Wheels was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival
Lipstick under my Burkha: politicising the very female body
Lipstick under my Burkha was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival
Egyptians’ dilemma: our singularly inward-looking focus
Imagining that the entire world revolves around Egypt, combined with our belief…
The missing keyword in the fundamentalist mindset
“Situations vary dramatically from country to country. It would be foolish to…
Middle Eastern unrest: dimensions beyond religion
Given the current Middle Eastern scenario, one may reasonably hold the argument…