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Ramadan: individuality and conformity
This piece might be uncomfortable for some people. Over the years, we…
Mr. Trump is a toy soldier
Toy soldiers (miniature figurines representing real soldiers) have a long history. They…
We are not like you
As soon as I heard about the sectarian events in Abu Qirqas…
Leaked exams and the demolition of institutions
I'll start in Algeria, where the scandal of a leaked baccalaureate exam…
Turkish soccer brawls: the battle for the future of the Kemalist state
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan dresses up his increasing authoritarianism with nationalist…
Part II: It was the only world power and today it seeks to regain its regional power
In the second of his two part series, Sayed Ghoneim explains the…
Hepta and the return of romance to Egyptian cinema
Hepta (The Last Lecture) was probably the most anticipated Egyptian movie of…
Opinion: India must act against Afrophobia in its cities
A Congolese teacher was recently beaten to death in New Delhi. There…
Part II: Putting one’s ear to the ground: rumblings of mounting discontent
(The following is a transcript of a lecture presented at the Middle…
Shakespeare answers internet complaint calls
Imagination is one of the games that fulfil our desires. It also…