
Daily News Egypt Opinion section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials of Egyptian and international affairs. Dive deeper with our Opinion columnists, editorials and op-eds.

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Fat-cat charities and terrorist financing

Charities were originally formed to provide aid to those less fortunate than…

Hany Aboul Fotouh

The mirage of transitional justice in Egypt

The 25 January Revolution in 2011 and the 30 June uprising in…

Abdallah Al-Moghazy

Iran’s litmus test: sports and air transport

Sports and air transport are likely to serve as indicators of whether…

James Dorsey

Egypt Year in Review 2015

The year 2015 brought welcome stabilisation and recovery to Egypt, after a…

Oxford Business Group

The story of television

In the late 1960s, there were only seven houses in our neighbourhood…

Mohamed Abdel Kareem

Giulio Regeni: Piecing together the fragments of stolen life

I never met Giulio Regeni. However, for the past 10 days since…

Daily News Egypt

Marketing when things change

Macro changes in the international business environment will affect marketing content, application,…

Michael Czinkota

Mired in problems, Egypt’s president reaches out to Ultras

Best known for his brutal repression of critics, Egyptian-general-turned-president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi…

James Dorsey

The president and the youths

We were very happy with the surprise that 9 January was named…

Abdallah Al-Moghazy

Citizen X speaks to Al-Sisi

Dear Mr Al-Sisi, This letter will do something you are not used…

Amr Khalifa